Internal Family Systems and healing from COVID-19

Amelia Holden/ September 2, 2022/ Blog/ 0 comments

When using the lens of Internal Family Systems (IFS) to explain how “we” can heal from COVID-19 at a micro, mezzo, and macro level it is necessary to examine the many parts of the system that have been created to protect the Self. These parts of a person’s psyche have been created to protect the Self which at times can be polarized and cause ongoing suffering, they are labeled as the Firefighter or Manager. The role of these parts is to protect the Self from the Exiles, which are the emotions often judged harshly by others and in turn by the Firefighter and/or Manager Parts. On a mass scale since individuals have their own internal systems then when dealing with family, community, country, and world the same will be true, they are all systems with their own roles playing out their narrative based on life experience.

Until the human is able to notice judgement towards Self they will not heed notice when judging others, it is innate. We must remember: We are human first; thereby we are fallible and thus cannot judge others. This is a statement that I said in a session once and it resonated with both my Self and the person in session. I knew in an instance the truth in these words needed to be shared because there will never be healing as a collective if we cannot focus on healing Self. And as a Society there are so many distractions allowing the human existence to avoid their personal healing (or mind growth) that the journey to get to a place of non-judgment seems impossible. So my quest is to start with Me and ripple outwards what I can do to help others see and own their potential.

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About Amelia Holden

"Therapy is like shopping for shoes, you need to try different types on before you really find the right fit.” Amelia's philosophy in life: We are human first; thereby we are fallible and thus cannot judge others. Amelia has been a Registered Social Worker for 24 years working with individuals, couples, and families who may have experienced intergenerational trauma, mental health diagnosis, or relationship ruptures causing stress and conflict within their daily lives. Amelia offers a non judgmental, safe place to be open and honest about whatever has brought you through the door. By structuring the therapy in a way goals can be accomplished collaboratively we will work towards a final session by discovering the useful resources that are within you to build your own tool box of skills and knowledge that you can take out into your daily life. Acknowledging the courage it took for you to reach out to a stranger for help at the most vulnerable time in your life, Amelia will listen to your narrative and share any knowledge and skills which can help bring balance to your life. Amelia believes it is important to validate the client's perspective, allow them to grow from learning through making mistakes, and giving them the knowledge of how to accept the things they cannot change and to change the things they have capacity to handle. Amelia promotes self growth and development in her daily life by practicing mindfulness, attending professional development courses, and building collaborations with other practitioners in the community.

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